in fondo - in the end


08 October 2007

(dedicated to J.) happy little things

there are some little things J. would find make my life happier
and my life IS happier when I think of J.
who says these little things are the kind of little things which make your life happier

at the moment they are:
- organic natural salt, dressed with algae, bought on the cote de granite rose during our Maggiolina Adventure
- a Maggiolina in my parents' garage
- having been à le bout du monde (end of the world)
- dressing all my salads with LITERS of lemon juice (AND the salt mentioned above).. and that I had never done it before J. taught it to me
- having (proper) coffee for breakfast, by myself, looking out of the window but not seeing the public garden in front of it, and instead figuring in my mind all the camp sites where I DESPERATELY tried to get good coffe around the world..
- [hey, I just thought of it: why doesn't J. draw a silly Moka-Machine Adventure, too? just a parody of the true one and only........ (not sure this item belongs here)]
- the fact that I will never be a tea-drinker :)
- the whole variety of teas and herb mixtures (including rose blossoms) I gealously stored in my cupboard, just in case one day I find the right combination that turns me into a tea-drinker (or in case J. comes to visit..)
- meeting NiceGuy in a bookstore, attending something very interesting
- having fun and laughing with students during my lessons
- fruit
- pictures of this summer
- scannig pictures


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